Southeastern Minnesota Synod


Sundays at East at 8:30AM and Sundays at Central at 10:30AM

Southeastern Minnesota Synod and the Blue Earth River Conference.  

Our primary mission partner is the Southeastern Minnesota Synod.   The word "Synod" means ligaments or branches.  From our earliest history, we have been a parish of strong "Synod" connections. Our original denomination was called, The Synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

In 1877, or Synod  needed to form "Districts" in order to manage its growth.   Our congregations were part of the Iowa District.   In 1892, East Freeborn shared its Worship space for the Iowa District gathering.   

In 1917, the Norwegian Lutheran Church in America formed.   Our Congregations were part of the Southern Minnesota District and fellowshipped in a closer partnership called the Albert Lea Conference.   Including all of Freeborn County and much of Steele & Waseca and a portion of Blue Earth County, these neighboring congregations became strong mission partners.

In 1960, our congregations joined the newly formed American Lutheran Church (ALC).  Divided into districts, our congregations were part of the Southeastern Minnesota District and maintained their fellowship as the Albert Lea Conference.

Since 1988, we have been part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.   Organized as 66 interdependent Synods, we are now part of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod.   Rather than joining congregations north of us, our Blue Earth River Conference extends west to include most of Faribault County and a portion of Martin County and a congregation in Iowa.

 Hear the stories of our common mission by clicking the button below.

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